Suggestion: Crust as web3 library

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Cool idea! Do you have a more specific implementation plan? i think its a good way to build brand of Crust!


This is a great idea, the CRUST network is really well-suited for such a product. there are also some similar forums, such as Mirror(


Thank you for sharing this thoughtful proposal. Indeed, preserving the history of the blockchain, important forums, and whitepapers in a decentralized library is an intriguing idea. The vision aligns well with the principles of Web3 and the decentralized storage solution that Crust Network aims to provide.

However, it's important to consider a couple of points.

Firstly, such an initiative may be more appropriately driven by the community rather than the Crust team itself. This is in line with the decentralized nature of blockchain projects. The Crust Network empowers its community members, like yourself, to take the lead in proposing and implementing initiatives that would enhance the value and recognition of the network.

Secondly, the issue of copyright and intellectual property rights is significant. The creation of a Web3 library would inevitably involve dealing with content that's owned or copyrighted by others. Ensuring the library's compliance with copyright laws and regulations would be crucial.

We appreciate your dedication and enthusiasm as a Crust ambassador and your ongoing efforts to promote the network. Your proposal has certainly sparked an interesting discussion.
