Proposal to incorporate crust network users success stories, either on the website or as a podcast on twitter

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I believe that if many users participate in spreading such stories, it will be helpful to empower Crust Network

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Nobody support this? , I think this is a good idea

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The "User Success Stories" initiative can significantly enhance visibility, community engagement, and educational value, but it requires careful resource management, quality control, and privacy considerations. I believe this is a good proposal, but it still has many limitations. Here are some backdraws: 1) Regular updates and maintenance of the content to keep it relevant and engaging can add to the workload. 2) Ensuring the authenticity and relevance of success stories is crucial. Poorly chosen or exaggerated stories can damage credibility. 3) Maintaining a consistent narrative style and quality across all stories can be challenging, especially if sourced from diverse contributors.
So I suggest it be first introduced as a weekly contest within the community to gather some feedback.

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